
Master of Science in Computing

Master of Science in Computing

Master of Science in Computing

Duration and Delivery Mode: 12 Months (48 Weeks) Full-time (Bootcamp) / 18 months (72 weeks) Part-time (Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Master of Science in Computing

Master of Science in Computing

Duration and Delivery Mode: 12 Months (48 Weeks) Full-time (Bootcamp) / 18 months (72 weeks) Part-time (Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Course Brief

The MSc Computing program is designed as a conversion master’s program specifically tailored for individuals with non-computing backgrounds. It offers a blend of practical skills and foundational theoretical knowledge with the goal of preparing students for careers in IT. MSc Computing provides a strong basis in computer science education, with a particular focus on software development, databases, and cyber security. What sets this program apart is its emphasis on collaborative and ethical practices, which are integrated throughout the curriculum, making teamwork a standard approach. The primary aim is to prepare students for the contemporary IT workplace, going beyond the traditional focus on skill-based learning in computing.

The teaching methodology of the program combines blended and project-based learning to encourage a collaborative learning style. Students will learn how to identify system requirements, design solutions, implement them, conduct testing, and ultimately deliver these solutions.

MSc Computing is ideal for students who seek the skills, practices, and professional ethics required to thrive in the constantly evolving world of technology. The program is designed to prepare all students, regardless of their academic background, for employment in the modern job market. It is agile, promotes collaboration, and is community-driven, allowing for continuous improvement in both content and delivery to best serve its students.

Given the rapid evolution of the IT industry, which has far-reaching impacts on various sectors of employment and daily life, MSc Computing equips students with the ability to adapt to the ever-changing technology landscape, acquiring new skills as needed for their chosen careers.

You will complete your degree with a project that will explore a topic of your choice, producing a product and a supporting report. The project will fit one of the following four types; student defined, research based, industry defined or social enterprise. You will be able to work with academic staff across the University, not just within Computing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you will be able to acquire the following:

This Course to:

  • Prepare students for a variety of careers in the technology industry.
  • Equip students with a range of critical and practical skills for the analysis of computer-based problems and the design and production of computer-based solutions to these problems.
  • Enable students to use a variety of tools and apply the principles of computing so that the students can develop their own skills to meet new and emerging technology skills.
  • Prepare students for the workplace in technical skills, methods, and workplace practices, including an understanding of current IT workplace cultural trends.
  • Enable students to think critically about computer science problems and the techniques used to solve these problems, including the legal, social, ethical, and professional responsibilities when undertaking work in these problem areas.
  • Develop students’ capacity to learn and experiment with different computing tools, platforms, and methods.
  • Enable students to meet professional standards in computing.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the knowledge of systems architecture in computing.
  • Gain a systematic understanding of methods, techniques and tools for information modelling, management, and security.
  • Develop a systematic understanding of management techniques and their relationship with computing.
  • Incorporate a critical ethical dimension to their practice, managing the legal, social, ethical, and professional issues of computing.
  • Autonomously implement and evaluate improvements to own performance and evaluation in the specification, design, construction, and evaluation of computer-based systems
  • Undertake analysis of complex, incomplete, or contradictory data to determine the extent to which a computer-based system meets the criteria defined for its current use and future development.
Create high-quality and reliable applications that adhere to functional, non-functional, technical, security, interface, maintenance, legal, ethical, and intellectual property requirements, while prioritizing user-centric design and robustness

Total Hours
(1800 Hours)


132 Hours


92 Hours


12 Hours


236 Hours

Self-paced Learning

1564 Hours

Module Summary

Module Brief

Software Development 1 introduces students to the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and techniques of software development. Programming is a key component of computer science and is an in-demand skill for the workplace inside and outside of the IT industry. Software Development 1 introduces the fundamental principles of software development, including syntax and semantics, variables and primitive data, expressions and assignment, input-output, conditions, iteration, functions, recursion, and an introduction to algorithms. The module details how to build programs using these techniques and how to apply problem-solving strategies in the design and implementation of simple programs. Students will practise the skills of programming. They will work in a high-level language, using the tools to design, implement, build, execute, and test software applications.

Software Development 1 provides students with core programming competencies. The aim of Software Development 1 is to develop students’ fluency in programming languages and software development. The module will require students to both implement their own programs and trace the behaviour of existing programs.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: CMP020L001A
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

Databases builds foundational knowledge in the modelling, access, and modification of data. The module examines how database systems function in the general case, as well as providing specific topics focused on relational data storage. Databases will examine data modelling using concept models (e.g., entity relationship), spreadsheet models, relational data models, and object-oriented models. SQL will be the core language used throughout the module, with content covering selection, joining, and grouping queries.
The Databases module will also examine the legal, social, and ethical context of data storage. Considering information systems as socio-technical systems, ideas of GDPR and Freedom of Information shall be introduced. Furthermore, the module will examine how database systems can be secured from attack, such as from SQL injections.
The aim of Databases is to develop students’ fluency in data. The module will require students to specify, access, and modify data stored in relational databases.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: CMP020L003A
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

Software Development 2 builds on the foundation delivered in Software Development 1 by examining in detail the programming paradigms of object-oriented and event-driven. With regard to the object-oriented paradigm, students will examine object design, inheritance, and encapsulation. For event-driven programming, students will learn about event handlers and the development of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) applications. The module has a thread of software design running through all blocks, including design paradigms and design patterns. In addition, as the module incorporates GUI programming, students will be introduced to fundamental concepts of graphics and visualisation. Due to the requirements of GUI programming, the students will gain in-depth knowledge of an industrial standard Integrated Development Environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio or JetBrains’ IntelliJ.
Students will undertake the work in this module as a development team. They will work together in practical labs and deliver their coursework as a team. Elements of agile project management will be delivered to support this approach to assessment.
The aim of Software Development 2 is to strengthen students’ capabilities in programming and software development. The module will require students to implement and debug their own programs, and utilise modern software development tools, such as Integrated Development Environments and debuggers.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: CMP020L004S
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

Computer Systems introduces students to the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and techniques of computer systems and hardware. Understanding how a computer operates is key to understanding many aspects of computer science, and incorporates ideas of logic design, state machines, and network communications. Computer Systems introduces the fundamental principles of computer systems, including logic design, state machines, assembly level representation, performance evaluation, parallel systems, and network organisation. Students will investigate how computer systems operate, including writing small assembly language programmes and designing state machines.
The aim of Computer Systems is to develop students’ fluency in systems understanding and design. The module will require students to both implement their own systems designs and understand existing systems designs.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: LAC020L002A
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

Computing and Society examines the role computing takes in society. The module incorporates ideas from ethical practice, usability and accessibility, sustainability, and an introduction to the legal frameworks related to computing. Understanding people (users) and their needs is fundamental to the modern computer scientist, who develops systems for people. Furthermore, ethical concerns on computer use and the professional requirements surrounding these concerns are essential in the modern IT workplace. Computing and Society introduces computing in a social context, examining initially ethical arguments surrounding computer usage in modern society. Accessibility and sustainability of computer systems is also explored. Professionalism, and in particular professional conduct and interaction are examined via digital collaboration tools. Finally, an introduction to legal frameworks – specifically intellectual property – is undertaken.

Computing in Society provides students with the legal, social, ethical, and professional frameworks that allow them to be responsible IT practitioners. The understanding delivered in this module is fundamental when working in areas of software engineering, artificial intelligence, data science, and cyber-security within computer science.

The aim of Computing and Society is to develop students’ fluency in professional and ethical practice. The module will require students to examine various case studies of computing used to undertake ethical argumentation surrounding best practice.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: LAC020L005S
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

Cyber Security module explores the risks and mitigations inherent to computer use. The module incorporates ideas from ethical practice, risk management, legal considerations, and technology- based solutions to address computer security issues. Cyber Security begins by examining the concept of privacy from a philosophical, legal, and ethical standpoint, before exploring some of the technology used to protect an individual’s privacy. The module then continues by introducing foundational principles of computer security, including policies, legal frameworks, CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability), threats, and attacks. With these principles in place, the module explores secure design and the use of cryptography in computer systems. Finally, human- factors, including interface design and governance are explored.

Cyber Security brings together concepts covered in a range of modules throughout computing, including Computing and Society, Software Development 2, and Databases. Cyber-Security explores how the issues introduced in other modules fit within current computer security definitions. The module also explores the technology to support computer security throughout.

The module will require students to undertake evaluation of systems to understand vulnerabilities and mitigations. This will best place students to understand the requirements of security as they enter the workplace.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: LACP020L006S
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The MSc Project allows students to explore a topic of their choosing based on their own interests as agreed and supported via a member of the academic team. The project provides an opportunity for students to research and deliver a significant piece of individual work that incorporates the practical and analytical skills presented in their programme.

The MSc Project will enable students to explore a topic of their choice. There are four project- types planned:
  • Student-defined.
  • Academic-defined (research-based).
  • Industry-defined.
  • Social enterprise.All projects will be signed-off by an academic supervisor. The students’ goal is to produce a product and supporting report Other Information
    1. SSG Module Reference No: CMP060L050H
    2. Module Validity Date: NA
    Module Session Plan

Target Audience & Prerequisite

Target Audience

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
  • Recognized professional qualification with relevant work experience.
  • Polytechnic Diploma holders in STEM with minimum 5 years of relevant working experience
  • Matured candidates with relevant work experience for minimum 8 years


  • Academic:
    • A second-class honors degree from a recognized British or overseas university.
    • Non-graduates with appropriate professional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis by Programme Conveners.
  • English Proficiency:
    • IELTS – 6.5 (with no elements lower than 5.5) [OR]
    • C6 in English at GCE “O” Level [OR]
    • Letter from College/University clearly stating the Medium of Instruction of the highest qualification to be English
  • Age: Minimum 21 years
  • Work Experience: Not Mandatory other than non-graduates

Graduation Requirements

Each learner must meet the following requirements to secure academic qualifications and eduCLaaS job role certification.
  • Minimum 75% attendance in all sessions.
  • Minimum pass grade in the summative assessment of each module


Academic Qualification: Master of Science in Computing awarded by University of Roehampton, United Kingdom
Statement of Attainment NA
Industry Skills Certification
EduCLaaS Job Role Certification
Digital Transformation Executive

Other Information

SSG Course Reference No: NA
Course Validity Date: NA
Course Developer: University of Roehampton, UK

Pricing & Funding