
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering

Higher Diploma in Software Engineering

Higher Diploma in Software Engineering

Duration and Delivery Mode:
Full-time “Bootcamp” 12 Months (1st Year)/ Part-time 12 Months (2nd Year)
(Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Higher Diploma in Software Engineering

Higher Diploma in Software Engineering

Duration and Delivery Mode:
Full-time “Bootcamp” 12 Months (1st Year)/ Part-time 12 Months (2nd Year)
(Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Course Brief

The “Higher Diploma in Software Engineering” equips learners with comprehensive skills and knowledge to pursue rewarding careers in the dynamic field of web development. During this 2-year programme, participate in an immersive bootcamp in the first year, followed by an immersive apprenticeship in the second year, while also studying part-time. Upon successful completion of these transformative two years, graduates of this program not only will have abundant job prospects and a wide range of opportunities but can seamlessly transition to pursue a highly sought-after Bachelor’s degree. They will be well-prepared to take on various job roles, such as Full Stack Web Developer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer, and Application Developer, among others. With their newfound expertise, learners will have the capacity to produce enterprise level applications to optimise their business process and enhance the productivity, positioning themselves as valuable resources for organizations seeking high-calibre full-stack web development professionals.

The course comprises several modules that cover a wide array of topics. The Front-End Web Development module emphasizes essential skills in web design, front-end development tools, frameworks, and libraries. Learners will acquire the expertise to create visually appealing websites that deliver seamless experiences and optimizing performance. In the Programming Foundations module, learner receive a robust coding foundation with Object-Oriented Programming, enabling them to design streamlined and structured code, and conduct comprehensive testing and documentation, crucial for maintaining high-quality software solutions.

In UI Frameworks module, learners explore user-centric design principles, navigate the nuances of intuitive user interface creation, and conduct usability testing to ensure optimal user experiences. In Database Design and Implementation module, the learners not only uncover the intricacies of SQL and NoSQL databased, they develop skills in testing, documentation and architecting robust databases.

Learners explore back-end development principles, design patterns, and backend framework utilization to engineer efficient and reliable web applications, while prioritizing testing and documentation in the Web Development Foundations module. With the technical expertise, learners dive into Innovative Venture Creation module where they delve into innovative venture creation, business model innovation, and the integration of digital technology best practices to be consciously engaged in work-integrated digital skilling to remain at the forefront of innovation.

The Generative AI module explores the transformative world of generative artificial intelligence models through which learners will discover practical applications of ChatGPT for research, content generation, and business productivity. The Agile Project Management module empowers learners to lead and contribute effectively to software projects, by mastering agile methodologies and project management techniques through practical application and case studies.

The Enterprise App Development provides learners with the essential skills to design enterprise software architecture and user interfaces, enabling them to develop and maintain complex enterprise-level software solutions. The first year ends with the Industry Project which offers learners with the opportunity to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to a real-world software engineering challenge, honing their problem-solving and project management capabilities.

In the second year, learners begin with the IT Systems and Network module to explore the foundational concepts of system architecture, network essentials and infrastructure design, broadening their knowledge needed to navigate through the world of IT infrastructure. The IT Security module equips learners with essential knowledge and skills to safeguard digital assets in today’s interconnected landscape and implement robust security measures, anticipate potential threats, and contribute to the protection of digital environments. Learners wrap up their second year with an introduction to data science through statistics. The Statistics for Data Science module lays the foundation of statistical principles and their applications in the realm of data analysis for the learns to extract valuable information from datasets and make informed decisions.

In summary, the “Higher Diploma in Software Engineering” offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of full-stack web development. Upon completing this course, learners will possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry and contribute to the development of innovative web applications and enterprise software solutions.

Knowledge, Skill, Ability Summary

At the end of the course, you will be able to acquire the following:


  • Recall the principles of application design, development, and integration methodologies, considering network protocols and IT security measures.
  • Identify the significance of program paradigms, agile methodologies, project management techniques, and testing methods in software development projects.
  • Describe UI/UX principles and concepts of front-end development to create customer-centric and data-driven applications.
  • Explain the utilization of design patterns, frameworks, and testing methods to ensure developed applications meet high standards of quality and reliability.
  • Demonstrate strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills to analyze complex situations, identify innovative solutions, and make informed decisions.


  • Evaluate software needs to identify potential implementation challenges and opt for the most suitable approach to address them effectively.
  • Select fitting tools, techniques, design patterns, frameworks, and software methodologies for crafting robust and high-performing applications.
  • Create secure and scalable software solutions that prioritize customer contentment and align seamlessly with business user demands.
  • Devise and implement suitable testing strategies, procedures, and tools to ensure the software’s excellence and dependability.
  • Apply adept problem-solving and critical thinking capabilities to dissect intricate scenarios, innovate solutions, and arrive at well-informed decisions.
Construct state-of-the-art and user-centric software solutions featuring resilient architectural designs that cater to intricate demands, harnessing the latest industry best practices and the capabilities of Spring Boot, React, and API technologies to ensure effortless integration and deployment, ultimately revolutionizing the digital landscape with groundbreaking and exemplary applications.

Blended Learning Journey
(2186.5 Hours)


240 Hours

Flipped Class

120 Hours

Mentoring Support
(Assignment Sync)

120 Hours

Mentoring Support
(Project Planning Sync)

240 Hours

Mentoring Support
(Project Implementation Async)

300 Hours

Additional Practice

1160 Hours


6.5 Hours

Module Summary

Module Brief

In the Front-End Development module, learners will acquire a deep understanding of user interface design principles, UI development tools, techniques, libraries, frameworks, single-page application development and testing. The module begins with learners acquiring a thorough comprehension of design thinking methodologies, UI heuristics, visual design principles, user experience design metrics and prototyping techniques, leading to transform the designs to user-centric websites. The instructional units equip them with the knowledge necessary to create interactive user interfaces and deliver seamless experiences. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop a high level of proficiency in creating visually appealing websites that adhere to the best UI design principles, leveraging front-end tools, techniques, frameworks, and libraries.

The module project provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills in analysing business requirements, conducting user research, creating personas, wireframing, prototyping, and transforming them into visually appealing website designs. Their expertise in UI development tools, techniques, and responsive design allows them to apply the most effective UI design principles, resulting in the creation of responsive websites with interactive features that enhance user engagement. Additionally, graduates showcase their ability to optimize website performance for swift loading times and seamless navigation. In conclusion, learners acquire the ability to develop responsive websites that deliver optimal performance and an enhanced user experience, positioning themselves competitively in the field of front-end development.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Programming Foundations module equips learners, regardless of their coding experience, with essential knowledge and skills to start their coding journey. This module provides a comprehensive understanding of programming concepts and techniques, encompassing programming languages, paradigms, and program execution. By establishing a solid foundation in programming principles and terminology, learners can grasp and analyze code effectively. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners enhance their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, thereby improving their coding proficiency and enabling them to produce efficient and well-structured code.

The module project provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills into practice by constructing software components. This project serves as a platform for demonstrating their competence in analyzing technical requirements and converting them into resilient designs. Leveraging their expertise in programming paradigms and languages, learners can implement software components based on the technical design. Additionally, they acquire the capability to ensure software quality through the utilization of diverse testing methods. In conclusion, learners acquire the capacity to produce well-structured code, apply object-oriented programming principles, conduct comprehensive testing, and proficiently document their code, establishing a solid foundation for their future programming ventures.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The UI Frameworks module provides learners with the necessary expertise to create exceptional user experiences by utilizing popular prototyping tools and UI frameworks. Through the instructional units, learners acquire a thorough comprehension of design thinking methodologies, UI heuristics, visual design principles, user experience design metrics, prototyping techniques, publishing prototypes, usability testing, and documentation. By actively participating in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners enhance their proficiency in UX research techniques, including conducting user interviews, surveys, and usability testing, which are crucial for gathering insights and validating design decisions. Furthermore, the module emphasizes the significance of adhering to accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure inclusive design practices.

During the module project, learners demonstrate their proficiency in creating high-fidelity prototypes, which gives them a competitive advantage in the field of user experience design. The project serves as a platform for showcasing their skills in conducting user research, creating personas, wireframing, prototyping, and conducting usability testing. UX designers dedicate themselves to understanding user needs, organizing information, defining interactions, and enhancing the user interfaces. They prioritize accessibility and visual design, iterate on designs based on user feedback, and collaborate effectively with stakeholders and development teams. IN conclusion, learners gain the capability to pursue roles in UI/UX design and development and contribute to the creation of exceptional user experiences.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Database Design and Implementation module equips learners with the expertise required to excel in various facets of database management. Through the instructional units, learners acquire a holistic comprehension of data organization, database design concepts, entity-relationship modelling, normalization techniques, data definition, retrieval, maintenance, testing, and documentation. By actively participating in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop proficiency in tasks such as planning database usage, creating conceptual, logical, and physical designs, optimizing queries and stored procedures, and conducting thorough testing and documentation. These skills enable learners to effectively communicate database schemas, entities, relationships, and data dictionaries, facilitating collaboration and ensuring smooth maintenance processes.

During the module project, learners demonstrate their ability to create an optimal database design for a consumer-centric Rich Internet Application. The project serves as a platform for showcasing their expertise in various areas, including requirements analysis, entity relationships and constraints, development of conceptual, logical, and physical designs, planning of database user groups aligned with business processes, writing optimized queries and stored procedures to meet management requirements, and conducting comprehensive testing to ensure accuracy, reliability, and performance. In summary, learners acquire the capability to develop efficient and effective databases for client-centric products, meeting industry demands for design optimization, query performance, and system reliability, thus staying competitive in the field of data modelling and design.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Web Development Foundations module equips learners with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of full-stack web development. The instructional units help them to gain a comprehensive understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), technical design principles, back-end development principles and techniques, design patterns, application development using frameworks, testing, and documentation. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop proficiency in back-end development using frameworks, expertise in creating modular and scalable web applications, testing methods, and effective documentation practices.

During the module project, learners demonstrate their ability to produce consumer-web applications that incorporate design patterns and database interaction. The project serves as a platform for showcasing their competence in technical design aligned business process, architecting solutions to address specific business problems, implementing appropriate design patterns with authentication and authorization, conducting unit testing and user acceptance testing to ensure compliance with business requirements and application quality. In summary, learners develop the skills necessary to pursue web developer roles and contribute to the development of scalable and dependable client-focused web applications that meet the demands of the industry.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Innovative Venture Creation module provides learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital businesses. Through a series of learning units (IUs), learners will gain expertise in areas such as innovative venture creation, business model innovation, digital technology and best practices, future-ready workforce development, and work-integrated digital skilling. These units equip learners with the tools to identify opportunities, drive innovation, leverage digital technologies effectively, and develop a workforce capable of adapting to the digital era.

In the module project, learners will apply their acquired knowledge and skills to develop a comprehensive Digital Transformation Plan. This plan serves as a strategic guide for organizations seeking to undergo digital transformation, encompassing crucial elements such as digital skilling, project roadmap, desired outcomes, and execution plans. By the end of the module, learners will possess the ability to analyze existing business models, identify innovative opportunities, and create a roadmap for successful digital transformation within their organizations. They will be equipped with the necessary skills to drive growth, competitiveness, and resilience in the digital age, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

In the “Generative AI” module, learners will acquire valuable knowledge and skills through a comprehensive exploration of various learning units. The module begins by providing an introduction to Generative AI Models, equipping learners with a fundamental understanding of this exciting field. They will delve into the principles, techniques, and applications of generative AI, laying the foundation for further exploration. Moving forward, learners will be introduced to OpenAI and its renowned ChatGPT technology. They will discover how ChatGPT can be applied in practical scenarios, gaining insights into its capabilities and potential applications. Through hands-on exercises, learners will develop the skills to effectively utilize ChatGPT for interactive conversations and communication.

The module then focuses on exploring the use cases of ChatGPT in research and content generation. Learners will examine real-world examples and understand how ChatGPT can be leveraged for generating high-quality content, aiding in research endeavours, and facilitating creative processes. Furthermore, learners will explore the use of ChatGPT in enhancing business productivity. They will discover how to employ ChatGPT to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and boost efficiency within a business environment. Through practical exercises, they will develop productivity tools that leverage generative AI models like ChatGPT. To consolidate their learning, learners will undertake a project-based approach. They will engage in diverse projects involving the development of tutorials, applications, research examples, productivity tools, and even building a Microsoft Virtual Assistant ChatBot. These projects will enable learners to apply their knowledge and skills in practical settings, enhancing their understanding and competence in generative AI.

Throughout this module, learners will emerge with the ability to harness generative AI models like ChatGPT effectively. They will acquire the skills to develop innovative solutions, facilitate research and content generation, and improve business productivity. The “Generative AI” module offers an immersive learning experience in this rapidly advancing field.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Agile Project Management module provides learners with a comprehensive understanding of project management and Scrum methodology implementation. The module covers essential topics such as Agile Project Management, Project Management using Scrum, Building a Scrum Team, and Scrum Planning & Implementation. Learners develop expertise in implementing Project Management using Scrum, including project planning, user story prioritization, role assignment, sprint execution, and defining sprints and success measures.

The unit incorporates real-world case studies to enhance practical understanding. Case Study 1 focuses on the implementation of Scrum within a product team, providing learners with authentic scenarios and challenges. Case Study 2 explores overcoming obstacles in Scrum implementation, equipping learners with hands-on experience in managing project complexities. Case Study 3 examines the impact of organizational and team structures on Agile project management, offering valuable insights for optimizing project performance. Learners will also gain hands on exposure to using ClickUp tool to create and manage the scrum.

By combining theory and practical experience, the unit equips learners to apply Agile principles and leverage Scrum methodology effectively. Upon completion, learners possess the skills needed to navigate project management intricacies and drive successful outcomes.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

In the Develop Enterprise Applications module, learners will acquire the essential knowledge and skills required to create enterprise-level applications that align with organizational requirements. Throughout this module, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of key topics, including enterprise application architecture, implementation of business logic and integration techniques, user interface development, and the testing, deployment, and maintenance of enterprise software. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, learners will develop proficiency in building robust and scalable enterprise applications by leveraging design patterns, frameworks, and libraries.

The module project offers learners a platform to demonstrate their proficiency in enterprise application development, enabling them to make valuable contributions to organizational success and growth. By optimizing operations, streamlining processes, automating tasks, and improving efficiency, learners can enhance the overall effectiveness of organizations. These applications facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, ensuring data consistency, security, and accessibility. Additionally, enterprise application development fosters innovation, differentiation, and a competitive edge by integrating emerging technologies and providing unique functionalities. Ultimately, it empowers organizations to optimize operations, adapt to changing needs, and gain a sustainable advantage in the market.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The Capstone Project – Application Implementation module marks the pinnacle of learners’ progression in mastering the design and development of enterprise-level applications within the Advanced Certificate in Software Development program. This module entails an extensive project where learners leverage their expertise to conceive, create, and deploy a practical enterprise application that optimizes business processes, unifies data, and integrates disparate systems into a cohesive environment, that enhance organizational efficiency and productivity. The project commences with a meticulous requirements gathering and analysis, and close collaboration with stakeholders to establish clear project objectives. Drawing upon their solid foundation in enterprise architecture design, development, integration techniques, testing methodologies, and problem management principles, learners proceed with front-end, middleware, and back-end components development. Learners conduct rigorous testing to ensure application quality, and fix the issues by considering scalability, security, and performance optimization before promoting the application to the production environment.

It allows the leaners to demonstrate a diverse range of essential soft skills including interpersonal communication, professional ethics, problem-solving, decision-making, innovation, critical thinking, adaptability, flexibility, negotiation, effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork, empowering them to succeed in the software industry and thrive in leadership roles. In conclusion, learners acquire the skills necessary to pursue careers as all rounded software developers and make valuable contributions to the development of scalable and reliable applications that prioritize the organization growth.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The module “IT Systems and Network” provides learners with essential knowledge and skills in various areas of networking. In the Networking Fundamentals unit, learners will compare OSI Model Network Functions, deploy Ethernet cabling, and troubleshoot Ethernet networks. The Network Implementations unit focuses on supporting IPv4 and IPv6 networks, configuring and troubleshooting routers, and explaining network topologies and types. In the Network Operations unit, learners will gain an understanding of transport layer protocols, network services, network applications, and ensuring network availability. The Network Security unit covers common security concepts, supporting and troubleshooting secure networks, deploying and troubleshooting wireless networks, and comparing WAN links and remote access methods. Lastly, the Network Troubleshooting unit involves explaining organizational and physical security concepts, disaster recovery and high availability concepts, applying network hardening techniques, and summarizing cloud and datacenter architecture.

Through the module’s projects, learners will develop practical skills and abilities. In the project, learners will troubleshoot service and security issues. Tasks include configuring server and client IPSec policies, updating, and testing policies, backing up configuration baselines, scanning the server segment, and documenting static DNS records and reserved DHCP clients. By successfully completing these tasks, learners will demonstrate their expertise in maintaining the integrity, availability, and recoverability of network and server environments. Their attention to detail and proficiency in these tasks will contribute to the overall stability and efficiency of an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The module “IT Security” offers a comprehensive and structured curriculum designed to equip learners with essential knowledge and skills in the field of cloud security. The learning units (IU) cover a wide range of critical topics, including Managing Identity, Managing Access, Implementing Platform Protection, Securing Data and Applications, and Managing Security Operations. Through these units, participants will gain a deep understanding of cloud security principles and best practices.

Upon successful completion of the module, learners will emerge with a diverse set of learning outcomes and abilities, further enriched by engaging in practical projects. The focal point of these projects lies in effectively managing network security throughout an entire network. By participating in these hands-on experiences, learners will not only refine their technical expertise but also develop a keen sense of problem-solving and critical thinking in the context of real-world cloud security challenges.

This formal and comprehensive module caters to a broad audience, including aspiring cloud security professionals and experienced practitioners seeking to enhance their skill set. Whether new to the domain or looking to advance their career, learners will be well-prepared to navigate the complexities of cloud security confidently. Armed with industry-relevant insights and practical experience, they will be ready to tackle the dynamic landscape of cloud security, contributing to the robust protection of cloud-based systems and data.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan
Module Brief

The module “Statistics for Data Science” equips learners with the essential knowledge and skills required to perform statistical analysis and inference in data science. By engaging with the instructional units (IU) listed below, learners will attain a solid foundation in descriptive statistics, probability theory, random variables, sampling, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.

The module begins with Descriptive Statistics, where learners will acquire the skills to summarize and describe datasets using measures such as mean, median, and standard deviation. Basic Probability introduces learners to the fundamental concepts of probability theory, enabling them to analyze uncertain events and calculate probabilities.

Moving forward, learners will explore Random Variables where they will delve into the principles of probability distributions and their applications in data analysis. In Sampling and Confidence Intervals, learners will understand the importance of sampling techniques and learn to estimate population parameters with confidence intervals.

The module concludes with Hypothesis Testing where learners will learn how to formulate and test hypotheses using statistical tests, making informed decisions based on data analysis. Through hands-on project tasks, learners will implement statistical analysis tasks, applying descriptive statistics, probability, and hypothesis testing techniques to real-world datasets.

By mastering the concepts and techniques covered in this module, learners will be equipped with the necessary statistical skills to effectively analyze and interpret data in various data science applications. These skills are essential for making data-driven decisions and drawing meaningful insights from data.

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: NA
  2. Module Validity Date: NA
Module Session Plan

Target Audience & Prerequisite

Target Audience

  • Candidates who completed GCE A level or its equivalent
  • Candidates who have completed Foundation Diploma in IT and its related study.
  • Candidates who would like to attain University bachelor’s degree
  • Matured candidates with relevant work experience and willing to get bachelor’s degree


  • Academic:
    • Minimum 2 credits (Mathematics & English) in GCE A level or its equivalent
    • Foundation Diploma in IT, or its related. This must be secured through 9 months full-time or 12-month part-time course. If the duration of the course is less than this, they are not eligible.
    • Polytechnic Diploma in IT or computing will be considered on a case-to-case basis.
    • Matured candidates with a minimum of 8 years of relevant experience will be considered on a case-to-case basis.
  • English Proficiency: IELTS – 5.5 (with no elements lower than 4.5) or its equivalent. candidate who has completed school education in English as medium of instruction.
  • Age: Minimum 18 years
  • Work Experience: Not Mandatory other than matured candidates

Graduation Requirements

Each learner must meet the following requirements to secure academic qualifications and eduCLaaS job role certification.
  • Minimum 90 % attendance in all sessions during the first year bootcamp
  • Minimum 75% attendance in all sessions during the second year part time
  • Minimum pass grade in the summative assessment of each module.


Academic Qualification Higher Diploma in Software Engineering awarded by Lithan Academy
Statement of Attainment NA
Industry Skills Certification
EduCLaaS Job Role Certification
Digital Transformation Executive

Other Information

SSG Course Reference No:NA
Course Validity Date: NA
Course Developer: Lithan Academy

Pricing & Funding