
Digital Fluency CLaaS- Generative AI -Capstone

Capstone Project – Generative AI

WSQ Capstone Project -Data Analytics (SF)
(Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Duration and Delivery Mode:

Capstone Project – Generative AI

WSQ Capstone Project -Data Analytics (SF)
(Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning)

Duration and Delivery Mode: Full-time

Course Brief

The “Capstone Project-Generative AI “ module equips learners with essential knowledge and skills required to undertake a comprehensive chatbot development project using Power Virtual Agents. Through a series of project tasks, participants will gain hands-on experience and proficiency in various aspects of chatbot creation and management.

In this module, learners will research Power Virtual Agents to understand its capabilities in building chatbots. They will learn to set up and configure the development environment, ensuring a smooth workflow. Creating and managing topics in Power Virtual Agents will enable effective conversation flows, while the utilization of entities and variables will enable dynamic responses, enhancing the bot’s interactivity. Learners will also explore the integration of rich media and attachments for creating an engaging user experience.

Moreover, the module focuses on implementing proactive messaging to initiate conversations with users, providing a proactive and user-friendly chatbot. Learners will gain expertise in integrating external systems and APIs, extending the chatbot’s functionality and usefulness. Testing and debugging the chatbot ensures accuracy, responsiveness, and functionality. Continuous monitoring and optimization based on user feedback and performance data will further enhance the chatbot’s performance.

By the end of this module, learners will have developed a fully functional and engaging chatbot using Power Virtual Agents. They will be adept at leveraging advanced features like topics, entities, and proactive messaging, while seamlessly integrating external systems for enhanced functionality. Additionally, they will have honed their skills in combining conversational design principles with advanced features, enabling them to build effective and user-centric chatbots tailored to specific needs and domains.

Knowledge, Skill, Ability Summary

At the end of the course, you will be able to acquire the following:


  • Research and Exploration: Demonstrate the ability to independently research and evaluate Power Virtual Agents, showcasing an understanding of its capabilities for chatbot development across diverse scenarios.
  • Environment Setup and Configuration Proficiency: Achieve proficiency in setting up the Power Virtual Agents environment and configuring essential development tools, ensuring a streamlined process for chatbot creation.
  • Effective Topic Creation and Management: Master the skill of creating and managing topics in Power Virtual Agents, leading to the creation of chatbots with a natural and effective conversation flow.
  • Dynamic Responses Using Variables: Apply knowledge of entities and variables within Power Virtual Agents to enable dynamic responses, showcasing the ability to create intelligent and adaptable chatbot interactions.
  • Engaging User Experience with Media Integration: Demonstrate the capability to enhance user experience by integrating rich media and attachments into Power Virtual Agents bots, fostering engaging and interactive conversations.
  • Proactive Messaging Implementation Proficiency: Successfully implement proactive messaging strategies in Power Virtual Agents, showcasing the ability to initiate and sustain meaningful conversations with users in a proactive and user-centric manner.
“Capable and adaptable learner with a demonstrated proficiency in researching and evaluating Power Virtual Agents, setting up environments, and configuring essential tools for chatbot development. Mastery in creating and managing topics, utilizing entities and variables for dynamic responses, integrating rich media for an engaging user experience, and implementing proactive messaging strategies, showcasing a comprehensive skill set in building effective and user-centric chatbots using Power Virtual Agents.”

Blended Learning Journey
(60.5 Hours)


4 Hours

Flipped Class

4 Hours

Mentoring Support
(Assignment Sync)

0 Hour

Mentoring Support
(Project Sync)

38 Hours

Mentoring Support
(Project Implementation Async)

14 Hours


0.5 Hour

Module Summary

Other Information
  1. SSG Module Reference No: TGS-2023019812
  2. Module Validity Date: 31 Jan 2025
Module Session Plan

Target Audience & Prerequisite

Target Audience

  • Individuals seeking to acquire generative AI skills and transition into a career in AI .


  • Academic: Minimum O Level credit in Mathematics or Minimum one credit in Nitec in STEM
  • English Proficiency: Minimum IELTS 5.5 or its equivalent
  • Age: Minimum 21 years
  • Work Experience: Minimum 1 year in the relevant field

Graduation Requirements

Each learner must meet the following requirements to secure academic qualifications, eduCLaaS job role certification and /or Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SSG (whichever is applicable)
  • Minimum 75% attendance in all sessions.
  • Minimum pass grade in the summative assessment of each module


Academic Qualification NIL
Statement of Attainment
WSQ Capstone Project -Data Analytics (SF)
  • ICT-PMT-4001-1.1 Business Needs Analysis
  • ICT-OUS-3011-1.1 Problem Management
Industry Skills Certification
EduCLaaS Job Role Certification
Digital Transformation Executive

Other Information

SSG Course Reference No:TGS-2023019812
Course Validity Date: 31 Jan 2025
Course Developer: Lithan Academy

Pricing & Funding