
NCSS Lithan Partership


✔️On-demand IT Talents for your organisation’s digital transformation.

✔️Empowering Social Service Agencies through future-ready IT Talents.

✔️Accelerate your organisation’s digital transformation to be future-ready.

✔️On-demand IT Talents for your organisation’s digital transformation. 

✔️Empowering Social Service Agencies through future-ready IT Talents.

✔️Accelerate your organisation’s digital transformation to be future-ready.

Share a Pool of
Top IT Talent

Hire IT Talent roles at
80% Subsidy

Grow and transform
your organization

Get started with your funding application today.

Share a Pool of
Top IT Talent

Hire IT Talent roles at
80% Subsidy

Grow and transform
charity organization


Get started with your funding application today.

Digitally Capable

Future-Ready Workforce

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Digitally Capable

Future-Ready Workforce

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The IT Talent Hub for Charities

The IT Talent Hub is a collaboration between the National Council of Social Services (NCSS) and Lithan Academy to address IT Talent shortages in the social service sector. 

By making accessible a pool of on-demand IT Talent at a low cost, part-time/short-term basis, social service agencies (SSAs) and Charities can tap on this resource to accelerate their digital transformation and IT initiatives.   

Share a Pool of Top IT Talent

Through the hub, SSAs and Charities can tap into an existing pool of IT Talent for short to medium-term IT manpower requirements.

Some of these roles include:​

– Chief Information Officer (CIO)
– Infrastructure/Network Engineer ​
– Cloud Engineer ​
– IT Project Manager ​
– IT Security Specialist ​
– IT Business Analyst ​
– Other On-Demand IT Professionals ​
(e.g. Application and Solution Architects) ​

Some of the projects the IT Talent may support ​covers the following, but not limited to: ​

– On-Demand CIO Support ​
– Data Analytics and Dashboards
– Design and Architecture of IT Systems, ​ Infrastructure and Data ​
– IT Security Strategy, Architecture, ​Governance, and Standards
​ – IT Talent Resource Planning ​
– IT Policy Development and Review ​
– Workplace IT Competency Assessments ​
– Mentoring Workplace Stakeholders on ​Technology Projects and Innovation ​Management ​
– Development of Customised Digital Transformation Plans and Roadmaps
Hire IT Talent Roles at 80% Subsidy

The IT manpower engaged through the IT Talent Hub will be subsidised at 80% of actual costs, with SSAs and Charities co-paying the remaining 20%.​

Save Time and Effort

Your agency can save time and effort to recruit IT talent and tap on existing pool of talent for mid to long term needs.

Transparent Execution

The program will be executed with full transparency with monthly progress meetings that look at project performance status and improvement.

Lithan Academy Pte Ltd is a SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) appointed Continuous Education and Training Centre for Information and Communications Technology sector (CET-ICT centre).

With its innovation CLaaS® which delivers Competency Learning as a Service, Lithan aims to bridge the digital skills gap with competency-based curriculum, work-based learning pedagogy and blended work2learn journey.

Accreditations and Awards

Let’s get in touch.

All industries across the world are ​digitally transforming at their own ​pace. Now, more than ever, the ​Social Services Sector need to evolve in ​ today’s tech-savvy population.​

​Lithan, in partnership with NCSS, can ​help you prepare and kickstart your ​organisation’s digital transformation.​